रविवार, 18 जुलाई 2010

Basic structural learning begins with an analysing of a simply supported beam. A beam is a structural member (horizontal) that is design to support the applied load (vertical). It resists the applied loading by a combination of internal transverse shear force and bending moment. An accurate analysis required in order to make sure the beam is construct without any excessive loads which affect its strength.
Types of Load and Support
Two types of typical loadings:
Concentrated load is one which can be considered to act at a point although of course in practice it must be distributed over a small area (normally vertical or incline loads). (Unit in kN)
Distributed load is one which is spread in some manner over the length or a significant length of the beam. It is usually quoted at a weight per unit length of beam and it may either be uniform or varying loading from point to point. (Unit in kN/m)
Three types of support:
Namely as Pinned support, Roller support and Fixed or Built-in support.
Covered in previous post together the reactions explained in diagrams.
The Sign Convention
The sign convention depends on the direction of the stress resultant with respect to the material against which it acts. It is used for both shear force and bending moments in analysing the directions. Positive (+ve) shear forces always deform right hand face downward with respect to the left hand face and negative (-ve) would be the other way round. Positive (+ve) bending moments always elongate the lower section of the beam and negative (-ve) would elongate the mid-section upward of the beam.

Shear Force and Bending Moment in Simply Supported Beam

The sign convention depends on the direction of the stress resultant with respect to the material against which it acts. It is used for both shear force and bending moments in analysing the directions. Positive (+ve) shear forces always deform right hand face downward with respect to the left hand face and negative (-ve) would be the other way round. Positive (+ve) bending moments always elongate the lower section of the beam and negative (-ve) would elongate the mid-section upward of the beam.

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